Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well, first of all, I'm happy to say that 've survived yet another year! Sadly, I'm back for more, whether I like it or not. But, I might as well accept what it is and get on with it, normally, I'll take a tedious educational approach to the normally tedious pastime of blogging. That would be one of my resolutions for the year, acting casual, not because people will actually read this, or most blogs, but because while I'm sitting there, on the Blogger board of broken links, maybe somebody will actually take notice of this change, take notice, but not care, and that's really half the battle, isn't it? It'll give a better feel to my blog, though I would never have any need for this resolution if we were allowed to vlog. Anyway, my next goal would have to be to stop procrastinating, or at least cut down on it. This, as obvious as it is, would come under managing my time better and the extremely broad field of "Orginization". As I'm only 12, I'll cut myself some slack as my attention span isn't very long, or at least not as long as it should be, but I doubt anything'll actually happen with regards to that, but it would help me make time for both my movies, helping me reach project deadlines, and schoolwork, again assisting my getting the work in on time, or at least, the majority of the time. This might be done by removing distractions like magazines, pillows, couches, and some websites (Damn you Flickr!).

Flight of the Gibbon, euphoria, to say the least. It's a zip-line located in a private park high in the mountains of Chiang Mai. It's claim to fame is that it was featured on an early season of "The Amazing Race". Though it was our second time there, the advertising enforced our memories of an astounding time, one of the best experiences we ever felt. It defies human nature, to jump into the abyss, but man is it fun! Swinging half a kilometer hundreds of feet above the forest floor is exhilarating. The wind, blowing through your hair, my camera, swinging from it's strap, and me, screaming like an idiot. The complete course was miles long, ending with a rappel down 120 feet. Let me tell you, that is really damn scary. But all that aside, the ride started with an hour long car ride out of our hotel, on the way, we met the rest of our group. Our "gang" so to speak, consisted of a game developer for Activision, a producer of "Just for Laughs, Gags!", a trainer for Wells Fargo, and a website designer who was in charge of something called "Blink".

The drive, uneventful as it was, gave me time to finish my book, "Fighting Them on the Beaches", the story of operations leading up to "Overlord", or the allied invasion of France. But I digress, once we got there, we began the arduous hike up to a waterfall, one which we stayed at for literally one minute, if not less, a total of half an hour was wasted on the hike up, both ways. We drove for another half an hour before reaching the actual zipline. Once there, there was no turning back. I was the second last to go, in front of only my Dad. That was awesome. No other thoughts entered my mind as the instructor removed my clip. At one point, I nearly dropped my camera, but luckily, as it fell, my strap caught and jerked it towards me.

Around the platform 4 mark, our guide stopped us, he had seen something we hadn't. It's called Flight of the Gibbons for nothing. He had seen something that wasn't spotted much, a gibbon. Despite being called "Flight of the Gibbon", gibbons are only spotted around once every month. It was certainly something special, the mother had a mono-colored beige pelt, whilst her baby's was dappled with lighter spots, creating a somewhat spotted pelt. Nearing the end of our zip-line experience, we crossed a bridge to the final platform. Let me say, that I will never rappel that thing again. We then had a meager dinner of rice, curry, and coke, if that's even a dinner. A great experience, it helped us become closer as a family and have a great time, definitely a highlight of my vacation.

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