Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The discussion helped me understand what others were thinking, thus broadening my horizon. It helps me think form different perspectives and showing me how other theories and points-of-view are correct. It helps me understand thing differently, making me reevaluate everything, changing my thoughts and understanding of the book.

I made connections with my other group members, laughing and enjoying ourselves. We talked about our experiences and connected with each other when sharing our paragraphs, questions, and obviously, connections. This made the the work and discussion oh so much more tolerable and friendly.

I predict that this will continue as frankly, we all find lit circles tedious. This will continue our vague enjoyment of presenting and sharing lit circles, despite the fact that they're boring as heck. It will make lit circles somewhat pleasurable, even though we don't like it, it'll add zaz to the circle.

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