nounthe ability to do something that frightens one : she called on all her courage to face the ordeal.• strength in the face of pain or grief : he fought his illness with great courage.Contrary to popular belief, I have before shown at least some courage in my life. Let me recount the best example of a time i've ever showed courage.
One, and perhaps the best of times i've showed courage was when I conquered my fear of heights by climbing up a steep face of wood twenty-odd feet. As this may not seem like much, we all have our own accomplishments that are only meaningful to ourselves and are insignificant to those around us. I have been afraid of heights for as long as i can remember. It keeps me from doing things that for other people would be considered ordinary. I chose against going up to certain places because I was scared of heights and missed out on a great time, or so I'm told. Tough this was probably true, I made no effort to change this until now. I missed out on a suspension bridge walk, a view of the wetlands from 100 feet above the ground and an infinite other amount of things.
This has influenced my life for the better as I can now freely go anywhere I please, regardless of the altitude without barfing and passing out. It's given me so many new and exciting opportunities that have given me a new world view of the clouds and above. It's helped me with so many things already i can hardly count the days it hasn't. It was certainly an eye-opener. Before I leave, I'd like to tell you how long ago I conquered my fear, about two weeks now.
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